Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Off to Goblin Gully

Kind of late getting to the post after this past weekend's "game"...much of this will be a rambling "stream of thought" post I'm afraid; so hang on.

Only the player of Kyre did any "work" this weekend; and all of his adventure happened within or immediately around Walker's Hold.

Kyre is already well known within Walker's Hold...it is hard for a 7 foot tall human to go without notice in such a small place after all.

Walker's Hold is a settlement of only a few hundred people, and so as the massive highland freeholder walked down the street toting along his massive two-handed sword he was noticed by a mother with a missing son. She informed him that he left town yesterday with two friends who returned to town that day without him and they claim to not know where he is. She was able to pull from them that the three had dared go to a dangerous spot: Goblin Gully.

I had decided that since he was the only player, I could send him on a simple adventure. There is this fella with a great deal of work that I find invaluable (his main page is HERE). The adventure I decided to use was "Goblin Gully" which is almost perfect for a solo adventure! I say almost because I had to make a couple modifications; but it worked out well. I can't republish the adventure here though; but I can tell you what happened in "story mode" at least.

I placed Goblin Gully only a couple miles from Walker's Hold here:

1 Hex = 1 Mile

After agreeing to see what he could find, young Kyre (who remembered playing around Goblin Gully when he was a kid too) set off on the "short trip" to see if he could find the boy.

Going to the gully he was attacked by a nasty goblin lookout and nearly caught an arrow in the eye; but Kyre rushed the tree the goblin was in and hurled his spear taking the nasty fellow out. Knowing that goblins never run alone (and wondering how the stinkers got past the patrols from Bastian and Walker's Hold) Kyre carefully looked around. He didn't find the hidden entrance in the tree that leads down into the gully; but he did note the bridge going across the gully that for sure hadn't been there when he was a boy! That is when the SECOND goblin attacked. It snuck up behind Kyre and tried to push him into the gully...fortunately it failed. Kyre whirled on it and split the little mongrel in half with his two-handed sword.

Unable to find the hidden entrance, and not having any rope with him, Kyre decided to loot the two goblins (slim pickings indeed!) and return to Walker's Hold for better supplies and to maybe pick up an adventurer or two that wanted to return with him.

When he returned to town, lo and behold...the boy had turned up. I'm not heartless...I try not to kill children (even in fiction). lol

Yep, that was the end of the adventure for the weekend!

It was actually pretty fun even though very short...and now we also have a good reason for Kyre to find other adventurers to go back to Goblin Gully and look around.


Goblin Gully will tie in really well with the mega-dungeon I'm going to be using that Dyson created. I'm placing his Mega-Delve just to the north under The Dwarf King monument. The goblins present at Goblin Gully are going to be spies from the goblins that I have in that adventure; not looking to conquer Walker's Hold (they don't have the numbers) but instead looking for easy raiding targets. They are "Amonite" goblins (meaning they worship the Devil Amon) and their leader is a Charmed "thrall" of none other than an Amonite Cultist named Sayerl the Wizard. Sayerl will come into play when the party goes to Waddle Manor (see blog post "...& the Ugly"). Waddle Manor is evolving into a bigger place for 1st level adventurers.

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