Saturday, September 8, 2018

Fantasy Homeland

Its coming along pretty well really...not just the map here; but characters are made as well!

First the map (still at 1 mile to the Hex):

Homeland WIP 1.1

Quite a few changes:

Added the "County of Wythe" to the southern part of the map. The County is a sparsely settled frontier domain with little in the way of great castles or any sort of thing. In fact, they likely get their finest metal goods from Dwarf Clan Birnir to their north. The County of Wythe is part of the Petty Kingdom of Vhir...a backwoods "Kingdom" of semi-organized highland freeholders under the authority of a council of "Counts" (equal to great Clan Chiefs) who select one of their number as King for Life. The humans in the area of this map not part of that Kingdom are actually closely kin to them, but because they are isolated by the Walker Mountain Chain, they have opted to stay apart and not be part of the Kingdom of Vhir.

The Elf-King Rhannoch is the High Elf who rules the land of his name...and has for hundreds of years. I estimate that on this map he is the most powerful Magic-User and not likely one to mess with!

Clan Birnir has a range of lands that they hunt that has been outlined; but they really exist primarily within their underground holdings guarding the ancient Dwarf Road that goes directly through the mountain. To the south of their holdings are grassy hills that they keep flocks of sheep to use for food and wool.

Clan Arnar is much the same to the north. They keep sheep as well, but engage in a great deal more hunting and foraging as Rocky Gap to the south doesn't supply them with as much in the way of farm goods as Walker's Hold in the south supplies to their cousins. Everything from venison to rabbit finds its way into their pots with wild onions, mushrooms and more.

I'll be making another post soon that goes into a great deal more detail about the area!

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