Saturday, October 31, 2020

 Sometimes you just gotta have it all...

Campaign Start Years for Various Settings


576 C.Y. (Greyhawk) Will be BASE Timeline to compare all others. C.Y. = Common Year


1548 V.R. (Aerk) V.R. = Vhal Reckoning


581 (Al-Qadim)


1511 H.C. (Birthright) H.C. = Haelyn Count


320 I.D. (Chaeldain Isles) I.D. = Imperial Date


370 A.C. (Dragonlance) A.C. = After Cataclysm


1356 D.R. (Forgotten Realms) D.R. = Dale Reckoning




c. -35,580 the sarrukh empire of Mhairshaulk was founded on the Chultan Peninsula (-34,800 D.R.)


c. -31,780 The first Dragon Eggs hatch all over the world.


c. -27,780 The first elves arrive in Faerun; their humanoid servants begin to splinter off into independent clans. (c. -27,000 DR)


c. -27,500 Sidhelien Elves arrive in Cerilia leaving behind Fearun; they force their goblins into direct slavery and not servitude as had been the traditional system. (-26,564 HC)


c. -25,880 First Elven Realms founded upon Faerun (-25,100 DR)


-25,280 Numbers of Elves (without humanoid servants) reach the Flannaes upon the Spindrift Isles after leaving Faerun’s increasingly hostile conflicts with dragons, only to be embroiled in new conflicts with the reptilian and Ur-Flan empires.


-18,380 The Sundering occurs; caused by the creation of Evermeet by the Elves of Faerun. (-17,600 DR)


Tidal waves devastate the eastern islands and destroy the elven capital of Caelestis in the Spindrift Isles, shattering the archipelagos, raising the Gull Cliffs, and transforming Olefin (Realm of the Ur-Flan) into what is now the eldritch, weed-haunted Sinking Isle.


The Continent of Ansalon is brought forth from the sea as other lands sink beneath the waves. The High God of Krynn (known as Ao of Faerun) brings forth gods to populate Ansalon. (18,585 PC Krynn)


The coastal cities of Cerilia are destroyed; the Great Bay is formed. Sidhelien Elves remain as the only Immortal Elves after the Sundering (which causes a magical backlash to the elves of Faerun and the Flannaes) leaving them the only beings still capable of directly tapping the world’s magic and using Realm Magic (called High Magic by the elves of Faerun) individually. The Sidhelien sever all ties with their now diminished kin in Faerun and the Flannaes as well as rebuking the “Gods” that allowed the cataclysm to occur. (-17,444 HC)


The Chaeldain Isles are created as the continent Chael is shattered by the Sundering. The early human civilization there is drowned by tidal waves, though some ships survive and spread to surrounding lands; one major flotilla making it to Zakhara. A smaller number make landfall in Djapar. Those left upon the Chaeldain Isles fall back to full barbarism while those that escape barely eke out a new existence.


The last remaining Sarrukh Empire in the world is shattered upon Ghanam as the continent is broken and the Dragon Archipelago created. The “Sarrukh Lord” known as Azrai flees to the continent of Aduria with his followers. (-17,408 V.R. and -17,444 H.C.)


-17,230 Sidhe Braelachiem unites the Sidhelien and creates the great Elf Realm of Aelvinnwode. The Golden Age of the Sidhelien begins.


-13,800 Agath the “God Summoner” comes to power, the Empire of Agath is formed, first Empire of the Aerkay on Aerk (-12,408 V.R.)


-11,280 Owing to destructive magics of Vyshaantar, the Dark Disaster occurred, and a magical storm turned Miyeritar into the wasteland now known as the High Moor (-10,500 DR)


c. -10,780 Enraged at the destruction of their dark-elf brothers' land, Ilythiiri savagely attacked the Vyshaantar Empire. The Ilythiiri began to openly worship evil gods and commit such acts of atrocities that all the remaining elven kingdoms decided to expel the Ilythiiri dark elves from Corellon Larethian's grace. The most powerful mages and clerics succeeded in completing the ritual in about -10,000 DR, though it had the adverse effect of corrupting all dark elves, not just the intended Ilythiirians. The dark elves were driven underground, and the epithet dhaerow would eventually change into drow (-10,000 DR)


c. -8,795 Founding of civilization by High Ogres in Ansalon (c. 9,000 P.C. Krynn)


-8,755 About this time the first Emperor, Umayatin, rises to assume the title of lord artificer of the Imaskari Empire (-7,975 DR)


-6,186 Founding of Sorcere in Aerk (-5,214 V.R.)


c. -5,795 Ogre civilization in total decay in Ansalon (c. 6000 P.C. Krynn)


-5,775    The Grey Elves leave the Su-El to their own devices as they answer the call of the High Elves to wage war upon the Drow of Duaral.


-5,515    Suloise Empire founded.


-5,240      Great Suel-Imaskar War lasts only months but decimates both empires. A lasting treaty is signed as each side declares it will stay on its own side of the mountainous areas that separate the powerful wizards of each nation. (-4,460 DR)


-5,150     A suspicious plague decimates Imaskari cities; though unproven, the Imaskari blame the Suloise Empire (-4,370 DR)


-5,003      The Suel lich Arinanin took control of the Suel lands and agrees to an alliance with the Duaral Drow


-4,850     Sidhelien Elves invade the Empire of Azar to retrieve their stolen women whom Azar had kidnapped. The Aerkay call them “Fhey” as they emerge from hidden and ancient portals from the realm of Faerie. The Aerkay destroy the portals to prevent additional Fhey and Goblins from invading; but it is too late. Start of the Aerkay-Fhey Wars. (-3,878 VR)


-4,666      The Duaral Drow fought with Arinanin and his Suloise armies against the last city of grey elves of the Southern Crystalmists.  Lolth manifests during the battle, but is then opposed by Corellon Larethian who vanquishes her. With the Duaral's demon-goddess gone and their morale crumbled, the Celenian coalition shattered the dark elven armies, pursuing them beneath the earth. With both sides of the battle decimated and the Suel armies destroyed to a man, the surviving grey elves fled to the east while the armies of Duaral fled into the Underdark.


-4,462         Foundation of the Four Elven Realms of the East in the Flannaes.


c. -4,451     Founding of Baruk-Azhik in the Iron Peaks of Cerilia (c. -3515 HC) 


c. -4,436     Founding of newest elf-realm in Cerilia: Lluabraight (c. -3500 HC)


c. -3,900     Human seafarers from the eastern Thael fjords are repulsed from settling upon Cerilia by both dragons and giants.


c. -3,880     Human seafarers from the west (fleeing encroaching warlike giants who were in turn fleeing encroaching ice on Thaele north-east of Cerilia), known today as the Illuskan or Northmen, name and settle the island of Ruathym.c. -3100


-3,847             Sidhe Braelachiem dies in battle against goblins in “great goblin uprising” which results in the Aelvinnwode fracturing into many realms; end of the Sidhelien Golden Age


-3,846             Start of the Humanoid Wars of Sidhelien Elves and Goblinoids.


c. -3,795        Great Elven Empire of Silvanesti founded on Ansalon under Silvanos Goldeneye (c. 4000 P.C. Krynn)


c. -3695          First Dragon War of Krynn begins. (c. 3900 P.C. Krynn)


-3,685          Humanoid Wars end with Elves again dominant and humanoids forced underground and/or into lands undesired by the Sidhelien Elves.


-3,558         The Netherese form a magocracy consisting of the major arcanists of Netheril called the High Mages of Netheril (-2,758 DR)


-3345         First Dragon War ends with Elves defeating the Dragon Armies on Ansalon (3550 P.C. Krynn)


-3,268          The Imaskar empire is destroyed and Horus-Re kills Lord Artificer Yuvaraj, the Emperor of Imaskar. The destruction that poured out of this conflict caused the area to become the Raurin Desert (-2,488 DR)


-2,915          Founding of the Mulhorandi Calendar (Year 0 M.C. Forgotten Realms)


-2,867 Enlil, deity of the Untheric peoples, discovers pearls on the coast of Alamber, and founds Unthalass, which becomes the capital of Unther (-2,087 DR)


-2,680 Calimshan Empire at its greatest height (-1,900 DR)


-2,659    Baklunish Empire founded 600 years after the Baklunish were freed from the yoke of Imaskari dominance, and their migration to the east from Faerun through what are today called the “Horde Lands”


-2,530 Minotaur Realms of Mithas and Kothas are founded on Ansalon (2735 P.C. Krynn)


-2,487 The Second Dragon War begins with the invasion of Silvanesti by bakali, ogres, and chromatic dragons (2692 P.C. Krynn)


-2,440 The Second Dragon War comes to an end when three elven mages release magic that destroys the attacking chromatic dragons (2645 PC Krynn)


-2,395 Ackal Ergot makes Daltigoth his home and the capital of his new empire, which he names Ergoth. Beginning of the Ergothian calendar (2600 PC Krynn)


-2,371 Dwarven-Elven permanent peace reached on Cerilia after generational skirmishing and war between those peoples. (-1435 HC)


c. -2,280 The Mulhorandi Empire expanded outwards, coming to annex Murghôm, the Plains of Purple Dust, and the Raurin Desert, as well as settling what is now known as Priador. In addition, the Untheric Empire expanded outwards, settling what is now the Wizards' Reach and a large proportion of the Eastern Shaar. (c. -1,500 DR)


-2,150    Flan tribes spread throughout the Flanaess living alongside demi-human realms.


-2,130 The century-long Age of Pretenders finally ends when empress Jarisi assumes the throne and brings some stability to the minotaur nation, expanding sea exploration eastwards and founding several new colonies in small eastern islands and the Chaeldain Isles (2335 PC Krynn)


-2,031 Surviving Imaskari mixed with former slaves, having long founded small kingdoms in the mountains between ancient Imaskar and the Suel Empire, this year are fully united and the Celestial Empire is born with the investiture of Nung Fu with the Emblems of Authority. (Y1)


-1987 the Kinslayer War breaks out between the humans of Ergoth and the elven nation of Silvanesti (2192 PC Krynn)


-1935 The Kinslayer War finally comes to an end with the combined elven and dwarven forces defeating the humans of Ergoth. The elf Tamanier Ambrodel of Silvanesti, along with the dwarven ambassador, negotiates a permanent truce with the Ergothian emperor Quivalin V. (2140 PC Krynn)


-1910    Corrupted Flan kingdom of Sulm conquers all neighbors.


-1868 Kith-Kanan and his followers are granted extensive lands to the west of Silvanesti by Sithas, Speaker of the Stars, and found the new elven kingdom of Qualinesti. Kith-Kanan becomes the first Speaker of the Sun. (2073 PC Krynn)


-1,855 First battles of the Orcgate Wars in Thay. Orcs overrun many northern Unther/Mulhorand settlements, slaying thousands (-1,075 DR)


-1,849 Orcs in Thay defeated, but most Mulhorandi and Untheric gods are slain; many flee north and west; a large horde of orcs flees east through the Horde Lands crossing into the Suel and Baklunish lands being repulsed by Nung Fu and the Celestial Empire’s legions (-1,069 DR)


-1,809 Death of Nung Fu. His great-grandson becomes the first Emperor of the Li Dynasty of the Celestial Empire. (Y222)


-1,680 Rise of Narfell and Raumathar (c. -900 DR)


-1586 The Rose Rebellion ends in victory to the rebel forces. The rebellious provinces are granted their independence as the nation of Solamnia, and Vinas Solamnus quickly joins the Swordsheath Scroll treaty (1791 PC Krynn)


-1,514 Enlil decides to leave Toril, Gilgeam, son of Enlil, becomes King of Unther (-734 DR; Year 0 Unther Reckoning)


-1,451 The Flight from Shadow and arrival of humans in Cerilia (-515 HC)


-1,450 The last Emperor of the Li Dynasty dies without heir. Defying his ancestors, he passes on the affairs of office to his wu-jen advisor, a follower of the Path of Enlightenment. The advisor becomes the first Emperor of the Ho Dynasty of the Celestial Empire. (Y581)


-1,428 The Demiplane of Shadow is discovered in Faerun as Azrai’s power surges in the world. “Shadow”, the first arcanist to theorize the existence of demi-planes, publishes (with the help of Karsus) "Shadows: Palpable Cohesion of Formless Corporeality" (-648 DR)


-1,200 Major Sueloise-Celestial Empire war. The last of the Ho Dynasty is slain by the armies of the Suel Empire. The warlord of the province the battle takes place in ascends the throne as the heroic first Emperor of the Hai Dynasty of the Celestial Empire after defeating the Suel invasion. (Y831)


-1,119 Karsus casts the twelfth-level spell Karsus Avatar and all magic ceases for a time, returning much changed.

The Fall of Netheril; all enclaves fall to earth and are destroyed. (-339/Year of the Sundered Webs)


Azrai slips the rules of The High God and is able to fully manifest upon Aduria and Cerilia. He then begins in earnest to court the Sidhelien who have long warred against the encroaching humans of Cerilia. (-183 HC)


-1,005 The Black Cycle of Years ends with the coronation of Wo Mai, a noble claiming descent from Nung Fu himself. Wo Mai recovers the Emblems of Imperial Authority from the crypts beneath the Imperial City, rallies the armies and other nobles, and crushes the rebellious outlying provinces. Wo Mai becomes the first Emperor of the Kao Dynasty of the Celestial Empire. (Y1,026)


-972 The Church of Vhal is recognized as the State Faith of the Kingdom of Karn. The first King of Karn is crowned this year. The first Aerkay Lord-City is sacked and razed by the vengeful followers of Vhal, to then be renamed the King-City of Karn. V.R. (Vhal Reckoning) Established as Year 0


-938 Opening of the War of Shadow in Cerilia (-2 H.C.)


-936 The Battle of Mount Desimaar in Cerilia, New Gods Born Year 0 H.C. (Haelyn Count)


-930 Semphar becomes a vassal state of the Celestial Empire, resulting in the furthest west of the Empire’s power. (-150 DR; Y1,101)


-924 Founding of City of Anuire and the Anuirean Empire (12 HC)


-903      Sulm falls, land changes into the Bright Desert.


-824 Beginning of the Third Dragon War (1029 PC Krynn)


-813 End of the Third Dragon War. The Dark Queen Takhisis is banished back to the “Abyss” by Huma. This signals the end of the Age of Dreams (1018 PC Krynn)


-780 The Standing Stone is raised by the elves of Cormanthyr and the Dalesmen, starting the Dalereckoning Calender. (1 DR; Year of Sunrise)


-707 The Gorgon launches first invasion of Anuire, but is defeated. (229 HC)


-701 Invasion of the Horse Barbarians. The fifth Emperor of the Kao Dynasty routs them in the Battle of the Silver Grasslands (Y1,330)


-485      Beginning of the last of the “Baklunish-Suloise Wars”


-466      First employment of humanoid mercenaries on both sides of the war.


-458     Driven eastward by warfare, Oeridian migrations reach their peak.


-447      Suloise migrations begin eastward into the Sheldomar Valley yet beyond here, they find resistance from Flan and Oerid tribes and are eventually driven to the corners of the continent.


-434 Gorgon's second invasion of Anuire is halted in the pass of Caerlinien, in Cariele (502 HC)


-422      Twin Cataclysms. Suloise Mages of Power unleash the Invoked Devastation on the Baklunish Empire. In response, Baklunish  mage-priests counter by cursing the Rain of Colorless Fire down upon the Suloise turning their empire into the Sea of Dust.


-342      Kingdom of Keoland founded.


-315      Settlement of Greyhawk established.


-270 The Sixteenth Emperor of the Kao Dynasty declares "The Revealing of Scrolls." It’s militaristic neighbors having been destroyed or in decline, the discussion of knowledge is encouraged, and many rival schools are established. The sciences of Astronomy, Alchemy, and Geomancy are in a golden age. Priests of the Path of Enlightenment are dispatched to far reaches, setting up shrines as far away as Keoland and Ket in the Flannaes and distant Chessenta in Faerun; the “Way of the Fist” leads to the creation of the Monk fighting style in those lands and beyond (Y1,761)


-255 Peace in the Land: Istar, the center of commerce, tax, and art, has become the dominant power in Ansalon (460 PC Krynn)


c. -236 Height of the Anuirean Empire's power and expansion (c. 700 HC)


-217      Largest Oeridian tribe in the east founds the Kingdom of Aerdy.


-111 Invasion by the Southern Barbarians into the Celestial Empire. An invasion of southern barbarians overruns the southern garrisons. For the first time local forces outnumber those loyal to the emperor in the armies repelling the invasion. The invasion ends suddenly and the barbarian forces retreat. (1,920 Y)


-110      Battle of a Fortnight’s Length. Aerdi defeat rival Oerid tribe Nehron, united they become the Great Kingdom.


-75 World Righteousness: Claiming to be the moral center of the world, Istar installs a Kingpriest (280 PC Krynn)


1       New common calendar started as universal peace declared by the Aerdian Overking.


15  Absorbed by the Great Kingdom, Greyhawk booms from trading post to city.


20 The last ruler of the Kao Dynasty and his family perish in a fire that sweeps the old Imperial City. His third cousin Ton Bor becomes the first emperor of the La Dynasty of the Celestial Empire (2,050 Y)


38 Death of Michael Roele, end of Empire as last emperor dies and civil war consumes Anuire while client states secede (973 HC)


62  The First King of Mahn is Crowned in the King-City of Vhaelin (1034 V.R.)


100       Viceroyalty of Ferrond founded to govern the Great Kingdom's western dependencies.


109       Battle of Shamblefield. Great Kingdom routs Frost Barbarians at Spinecastle.


128 Avanil and Boeruine conclude treaty ending the worst of Anuire's civil wars; all of Cerilia is filled with only minor “kingdoms” (1063 HC)


150      Rhennee first appear in Adri Forest. Unaccepted, they take to barge life on rivers and lakes.


206 The Cataclysm: On the thirteenth day of Yule, the third day of the new year, the sky burns, and a fiery mountain is launched from the heavens at Istar. The impact drags the city of Istar to the depths of the newly formed Blood Sea and fragments the rest of the nation. Ergoth is torn from the mainland to form two great islands. Waters pour into central Ansalon, forming the New Sea and shrinking the plains. To the south, lands rise and waters recede. The port city of Tarsis, unscathed, now lies far from the sea. The waters envelope most of Balifor; what remains is a desert waste, which the kender abandon (Year 0 PC/AC Krynn)


The Year of the Dusken Ride (986 DR) in Faerun: all of Faerun is cloudy this year and ash often falls from the sky in the early months.


The skies darken this year and heavy winter is visited on the Flannaes. The Overking’s Seer declares that it is a sign of a Dark Future for the empire.


The skies darken and “fire” rains upon the Chaeldain Isles briefly in the form of tiny star showers. Few of the cities are prepared for the massive tsunami that crashes into the south-west coasts destroying many cities and fracturing kingdoms.


226 A large fleet of Minotaurs, unhappy with their station on Mithas and Kothas, set sail for the Chaeldain Isles and find the area in disarray. Eragas, the leader, conquers the city of Kristophan.


254       Ferrond declares independence, becomes the Kingdom of Furyondy.


256 Eragas is Crowned Emperor of the (Minotaur) League of Cities after conquering many additional cities and uniting the people there under the New Code of Laws. (year 0 of the Imperial Date calendar of the Chaeldain Isles).


300       Bandit Kingdoms begin to form in the Northern Reaches.

Shield Lands formed as a bulwark against bandit raids.


320       Oerid-Baklunish nomads migrate to the northern prairies.

Outer dependencies of the Great Kingdom continue to splinter off.

Arch-mage Zagig Yragerne begins construction of Castle Greyhawk.


336 The Gorgon invades Tuarhievel (his first invasion of an Elven Realm), his armies are repelled (1271 HC)


356       Emboldened by lesser nations, the Kingdom of Nyrond secedes from the Great Kingdom. Kingdom of Keoland at its height, absorbing all satellite realms and pushing briefly into Ket.


421       Zagig Yragerne disappears; his castle falls into ruin attracting generations of treasure seekers.


437       Overking assassinated, Turmoil Between Crowns begins over claims to succession.


438       Small War between Furyondy and Keoland ends Keoish expansion north.


446       Pirate fleets conquer southern ports on the Azure.

          Ruthless Ivid I assumes throne of the Great Kingdom ending the  Turmoil.

          Several states break off to form the Iron League in reaction to the new Overking.


447       Battle of a Thousand Banners. Iron League defeats South Province at Irongate.


461       The Ulek states become autonomous and with Celene sever ties to Keoland.


464       Battle of Jetsom Isle. Sea Prince pirates lose to Keoish navy forcing captains to settle down.


479       Iuz grows in power as humanoid incursions increase in the north.


498       Greyhawk officially declared a free city.


505       Iuz disappears without reason leaving his territory in chaos.


510       Hateful Wars sparked by murder of elven queen's consort, ends with all humanoids driven out of the Lortmil Mountains.


513       Rise of the Horned Society as a result of Iuz's absence.

        Humanoids from the Lortmils overrun and take control of the Pomarj peninsula.


526       Dyvers secedes from Furyondy to become a free city.


548  Draconians Created: Priests of Takhisis and Black Robe mages corrupt the captured eggs of good dragons to create the dragonmen. First come baaz and kapak, then bozak, sivak, and aurak (342 AC Krynn)


554  War of the Lance (4th Dragon War) Begins (348 AC Krynn)


558  Yamun Khahan of Clan Hoekun conquers the Commani tribe, beginning his rise to power. (1,338 DR)


559 The Eighth Emperor of the Kuo Dynasty announces the "Gathering of Pearls" as a goal of his reign. Plans are set in motion to recover lost artifacts and books. Excavations begin in cities that have been noted as capitals. Old territories to the north and west are brought back under imperial control. (2,588 Y)


            The War of the Lance Ends (353 AC Krynn)


563       Bone March falls to humanoids.


569       Battle of Emridy Meadows. Allied forces of Good led by Prince Thrommel of Furyondy rout the Horde of Elemental Evil. The Temple of Elemental Evil is then sacked and demon-queen Zuggtmoy is bound within its dungeons.


570      Iuz, now a demigod, returns to reclaim his lands.


572      Battle of Medegia. Sea Barons decisively defeat the Lordship of the Isles on the Aerdi Sea.


Yamun Khahan turns his armies on the caravans of the Golden Way.  (1,352 DR)


573      Scarlet Brotherhood first revealed after centuries of seclusion. Prince Thrommel kidnapped before marriage to Jolene of Veluna, preventing the union of their two nations.


575 Retreat of the elves from Cormanthor reaches its peak; the last major Elven Realm of Faerun is nearly empty. (1,355 DR)


576 The Magian (a Lich from Faerun) conquers Pipryet (1511 HC)


Better take a ship to reach it all...