Friday, September 7, 2018

Hexing it out...

Well, I was pretty excited about this I got a rough draft of the hex map finished:

Scale = 1 mile per Hex

There are still several things I want to do with the map; but this was a good first go I think. I'm still thinking on how I want to represent trails; but there is already a single road. I didn't place a name on it yet; but it is the Old Dwarf Road built ages ago before humans were first coming to the area as settlers.

The Dwarves originally built the road to go from their kingdom centered north of this map into southern lands for trade...but that Kingdom fell hundreds of years ago leaving only scattered holds such as North Gate and South Gate.

The tee-pee villages are Sylvan Elf "camps" in their usual locations...but these move often and those on the map only represent where the Sylvan Elves usually winter.

The Camps of Ceres and Hollybrook are human dominated camps. Hollybrook is a Druid led place; while Ceres is a logging camp from a southern realm not shown on this map. Ceres, while only a few miles from Walker's Hold, is pretty much on its own defensively; but fortunately for them the lone humanoid camp nearby is hounded by both forays from the High Elves of Grapefields and the ranging patrols of the humans within Bastian.

Speaking of humanoid camps, they are represented by the Campfires. The campfire in the Ogreback Mountains represents a tribe of ogres of course. I haven't decided on their name yet though. The other campfires are also up for future consideration...though the one at the headwaters of Dismal Creek are probably going to be wolf-riding goblins I'm pretty sure.

Well, that's enough for now...I'll have another update tomorrow most likely after I finish off the labels for the map.

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